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Our Teas

Mother of Jasmine Pearl (Retiring Soon)

USDA Certified Organic

Once these amazing pearls are infused in hot water, they release the most powerful, relaxing jasmine scent that makes everything seem right in your life.



One of the world’s finest delicacies, these little gems are hand rolled balls of green tea with jasmine.  When infused in hot water, they release to make an invigorating scent!   After harvesting, the tea leaves are layered with jasmine flowers and it takes nearly 1,000 hand-plucked tea leaves to fill a single 50g bag! Medline Plus reports that individuals who consumed a minimum of 6 cups of green tea each day reduced their risk of developing type II diabetes by 33%. Jasmine has been known to ease anxiety, promote well-being, increase circulation, soothe digestion, and break down saturated fat.  This is one of tea lover Kadi’s favourites which she calls her “happy tea”! 

100% organic green tea and 100% organic jasmine flowers.

25g makes: 25 cups (based on 3g per 8oz of water, infused 3 times)

Temperature: 175 degrees F (not boiling)

Infusing time: 2 minutes

Blends both green tea and jasmine herbs.

The added benefit to drinking jasmine in green tea - may be linked to lower cancer risk, anxiety relief, and lower cholesterol.

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